Wednesday, 19 August 2015


All members of the community should follow Code of Ethics for welfare, Dictionary meaning of Ethics says ‘moral value of human conduct’, correct behaviour, etc., Professional institutes have prescribed Code of Ethics to be followed by members failing which they are expelled from the membership of the Institute which will affect their professional practice.  The Institution of Engineers (India) prescribed Code of Ethics for their members in the year 1954, which was revised in the year 1997.  The Code of Ethics is based on broad principles of truth, honesty, justice, trust worthiness, respect and safeguard of human life and welfare, competence and accountability which constitute the moral values.

The corporate members if the Institution are committed to promote and practice the profession for the common good of the community bearing in mind the following concerns;
Concern for ethical standard;
Concern for social justice, social order and human rights;
Concern for the protection of the environment;
Concern for sustainable development;
Public safety and tranquility.

Engineers of public and semi-public agencies spend public funds for carrying out projects.  There should be quality of work, durable, and no over payment; The work should not be delayed unnecessarily and there should be transparency in awarding work.  If Code of Ethics is proved to be violated after the enquiry, the Institution of Engineers (India) expels them from membership.  Recently, one office bearer of the Karnataka Centre of the Institution was expelled from the primary membership for financial and administrative irregularities.

Architects have code of ethics similar to that prescribed for engineers.  Architects should prepare building plans only according to zoning and building regulations of the municipal authorities.  Working plans for actual construction should never be prepared violating the sanctioned plans. They should advice their clients to observe building discipline and not to make deviations affecting ventilation to neighbors, creating parking problems outside the premises, affecting privacy, etc.  The architects are required to register their names in the municipal corporation under the building bye-laws.  If they are found to submit designs not conforming to bye-laws or encourage building violations, they are liable to be black listed. Valuable building space should not be wasted.  Designs should improve aesthetics.


Weather poor or rich, the patients should be treated for quick relief. The patients should not be charged more than responsible.  They should not operate when it can be cured with injections or tablets.  Clinics and hospitals should be maintained clean and tidy.  Facilities like washbasins are to be provided in the clinics.  Clean linen may be provided in the hospitals.  Unnecessary laboratory tests should not prescribe to give business to the laboratory.  Concessions may be given to poor patients and utmost care taken, as they are unfortunate people.

The advocates should not entertain cases for which legal relief is not relief is not possible.  The cases should be pursued sincerely without legal delay.  Correct position of the case should be informed to the clients.  Sincere efforts are to be made to provide justice at the earliest.  Concession may be given to the poor clients.

Public servants:
The public should not be harassed while approvals are requested, Illegal sanctions should not be accorded for monetary gains.  Nothing should be done by public servants against public interest.  There should be no delay in disposal of files.  Proper guidance should be given to uneducated public.  Work should be done to the satisfaction of the employers ad the public.  There should be no proposal to waste public money.  The employees should attend office in time and be available to the public during interview timings.  They should avoid / minimize public grievances.  There should be no favouritism in any matter.  They should respect elders and seniors and subordinates encouraged with good treatment.

The institutions should serve the purpose for which they were created.  Funds should not be misused I institutions where lot of income in generated.  Income should be improved and funds should not be wasted.  The activities of the institution should be improved.  Rules and regulations have to be followed.

The intention to join politics should be to serve the public and the country, and not for personal benefits.  Both urban and rural people are t be benefited in the policies to be implemented.  Service to the poor people should be their objective. They should uphold the Constitution of the Country.  They should have political discipline and maintain self-respect and dignity. Public money should be spent as their own money only for food purposes.  They should get elected by performing well and not by corrupt means.  Portfolio and selection to a public post should be on their merits like Mr Vajpayee and Mr Manmohan Singh.  They should not waste the time in legislatures and the Parliament unnecessarily but utilize the time for programmes to benefit the public.

The sportsmen should play in the interest of their Country and not in their own interest.  They should not disappoint the public who watch the matches with lot of interest.  Match fixing should be dealt with severely.  Selection of players should be purely on their performance.

It is suggested to include the subject of Ethics in schools and colleges to prepare our young people about transparency.
In general people of our Country should follow Code of Ethics to the extent possible and enable improvement of out Country to desirable standards.

The above suggestions are made only after observing bad discipline in majority of the people including the so called religious heads, and in the interest of better lives to our people.

For More Information..............

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